Dana Donofree

Dana Donofree

Body Rising: Female Voices of Impact with Emme, Renee Cafaro, Dana Donofree, Caren Spruch and Tanya Taylor

Midday Council, 9/27/2022 11:30am-1:00pm, Eastern Time.


Survivor, CEO & Founder of AnaOno, Boob-Inclusive lingerie.


Dana Donofree founded AnaOno out of her own necessity and desire for not only beautiful but comfortable lingerie after her cancer diagnosis in 2010. With a degree in fashion design from Savannah College of Art and Design and a successful industry career, she took her experience and applied it toward launching AnaOno, Intimates designed differently. Dana’s story has been featured on USA Today, The Today Show, New York Times, and many others. She has been listed as an INC 100 Female Founder, Forbes NEXT 1000, and Vogue has highlighted AnaOno as a brand modernizing bras. Even with these accomplishments, she is most proud of making a difference in the lives of people worldwide and is honored to continue to spread her mission of boob-inclusion. Because everyone deserves to feel beautiful, one breast, two breasts, no breasts, or new breasts.


Instagram @daynadono @AnaOnoIntimates

Facebook @DDonoFree






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