Nicole Adriana Casanova

Nicole Adriana Casanova

Your Body This Earth: Women and Ecology, Ecospirituality and Climate with Nicole Casanova, Peggy Shepard and Lizzy Jeff

Midday Council, 9/30/2022, 1:30-3:00pm Eastern time.

Nicole Adriana Casanova is a Boriken-born student of Maestro Manuel Rufino, a Taino Elder who founded the Golden Drum cultural center in Brooklyn and many communities around the world. She is a graduate of the New School in New York City. Her cross-disciplinary study included Food Justice and Sovereignty, Environmental Economics, and Psychology.

Nicole is a writer, poet, song keeper, and storyteller. Over the past decade, Nicole has been blessed to travel the world and study with great teachers, elders, and spiritual traditions. As a healer, she has administered to 1,000s of people and her passion is to shift from individual healing to collective healing. Growing up, Nicole’s best friends were trees and this organization gives her the opportunity to keep good on the promises she made in the wisdom of childhood. Root to Heaven in Nicole’s prayer for the Waters of the Earth.


Instagram @nicole_adriana_casanova



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