I am interested in the systems people create in order to organize what they perceive in the world around them. These systems can be based in science, religion, psychology, philosophy or politics. No matter how cerebral a system or idea may appear, it is always experienced through our physical senses. In order to communicate balance between reason and the senses I paint imagery of the body expressing emotional understanding juxtaposed with systems of verbal and/or mathematical reasoning.
Echelon, 2017, oil on wood 20" x 20"
Echelon, 2017, oil on wood 20" x 20" (detail)
His With with Her Without, 2017, oil on wood, 20" x 20"
His With with Her Without, 2017, oil on wood, 20" x 20" (detail)
Artist Bio:
Directly after completing her BFA from Purchase College at the age of 19, Diana Schmertz moved to Amsterdam, Holland to start her art career as a recipient of De Ateliers 63’ grant and residency program. Exhibiting internationally, her work has been shown at Smack Mellon, Center for Book Arts, Muriel Guépin Gallery and Columbia University in New York City, the International Museum of Women, San Francisco and Galería Nacional, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She completed two Masters of Science and received grants and awards from organizations such as Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Northern Manhattan Arts, Aljira Emerge, and the Drawing Center. In addition to showing her work at traditional galleries and museum spaces, Schmertz has made public art supported by grants. Most recently she had a solo exhibit at the Zillman Museum of Art, presented public work through CHaShaMa & New York City Department of Transportation at Fordham Plaza, Bronx, NY and has been awarded a commission by the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program.